17 September, 2005

What the hell is that?! How to spell it?!

Ontem finalmente encontrei com Daniel e Daniela, namorada dele...
Os dois juntos ficam tão cute!!! :P

Belo dia né?

Hoje demanha encontrei um site que nos fala das várias experiências de aprender línguas...
Na parte do alemão, só apareciam palavrões!!!

  • Freundschaftsbezeigungen (Friendship demonstration)
  • Generalstaatsverordnetenversammlungen (meetings of legislatures)
  • Unabhaengigkeitserklaerungen (Declarations of independence)

e qualquer coisa como isto!!!

  • "In the daybeforeyesterdayshortlyaftereleveno'clock Night, the inthistownstandingtavern called `The Wagoner' was downburnt. When the fire to the onthedownburninghouseresting Stork's Nest reached, flew the parent Storks away. But when the bytheraging, firesurrounded Nest itself caught Fire, straightway plunged the quickreturning Mother-stork into the Flames and died, her Wings over her young ones outspread." - from Mannheim journal

Essa visão era tão diferente e especial (e um pouco irónico... :P)

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